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The Tier One STRIKE ONE features the revolutionary AF-Speedlock, which combined with SAI enhancements makes this the ultimate performance package. This is a true limited release firearm and the last of the Strike One pistols in the U.S. Market.


Salient Arms Tier One Strike One

SKU: 0010
  • Built on Arsenal Firearms AF1 Strike One, the Strike One pistol features a low bore axis and unlike the Browning system, the barrel does not tilt. It is locked with a Y shaped part that during recoil locks the barrel and bolt until halfway through it drops, releasing the barrel. The barrel stops its motion, the bolt continues back, ejecting the spent cartridge case and loading fresh cartridge and on its way back the Y shaped locking fork reengages and the barrel and bolt move together forward. Instead of tilting the barrel only moves in a straight line, thus increasing the accuracy. 


    • 9mm 9x19
    • SAI Slide Cuts
    • SAI Stippled Grip
    • SAI Competition Trigger
    • 2 x 17 rds. Mecgar magazines
    • SAI Box Fluted Match Barrel with TiN coating
    • Salient Steel Combat Sights with Front Red Fiber Optic.
    • DPM Guide Rod and Spring Set
    • Hard Case, lockable.
    • Arsenal Firearms Manual


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